Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I recently went to New York for an internship. At the risk of possibly over hyping this city, I venture to write about my summer.

As I was writing, I realized that the exciting people, events and stories from this summer were too many to fit into one blog post. And so, with the magic of internet and blogging, there will be more posts to follow!

It was my first in the city that I have heard and seen so much about, in movies, books, the news- romanticized and criticized.

Happy people, Sombre people, Tight dresses, Retro.

Subway rides are a good way to experience the population- energized tourists, sleepy locals, animated school groups, stinky hobos and many more.

Sometimes you just know when someone isn't from the city: 

Cowboys from down south

Some lunches were spent out in the grass in Washington Square Park, just a short walk from the studio where I worked. Common sights included: the fountain, the pigeon man, red sunbathers, a tap dancer and chess boards! It was an entire show, accompanied by background music, sometimes by a man in a green dress with a guitar.

Brick houses and arched doorways

This is a city that really never does sleep at night; every hour at every street, sometimes bubbling with energy, sometimes simmering. The late night transit is the best I've encountered at any big city.

Although the wait for the straggling service is painful, and one can feel the day's tiredness catch up, it brings out some very interesting people and situations.

During one of these late night/ early morning travels, when a train was indefinitely delayed, one subway musician shined. His music went from being just chords in the background, to the centerpiece of the platform. The commuters' frustration from the wait for the train was drowned by his tequila sunrise. Just as we began to climb the stairway to heaven, a light from the tunnel shone, the train came, and we all got in.
I wonder if someone stayed back to hear him sing....

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