Thursday, February 21, 2013

To This Day

I recently participated in the "To This Day" project that has been getting tremendous hits on the internet and the news.For those of you who don't already know, it is a poem  about the delicate issue of bullying and its under emphasized  impacts, beautifully written and recited by Shane Koyczan with a wonderful soundtrack in the background, accompanied now by superb, distinct and different visualizations by artists from across the globe.

The final result can be viewed here- or here-

As a volunteer effort, it is so nice to see so many animators create such different yet coherent works!

Unfortunately, because the number of submissions exceeded the time available, my entry did not make it to the final version- a real bummer, but this is what I made!

Clip 19 Aparajita.mp4 from To This Day on Vimeo.

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